Sunday, December 26, 2010
This Week's Compendium

I began with Team Unicorn's "Very Zombie Holiday", a field guide to surviving a zombie filled holiday. Next I suggested an alternative source of protein for this years x-mas dinner ( think Soylent Green), we go X-mas caroling with GWAR, hunt for pooping peasants in Spanish nativity celebrations, I introduce your children to the Krampus and more.
So please, if you have not done so before, go and check out Compendium oF Strange on tumblr and if you see something you like help me promote the sight(s) by sharing it with your friends using the tweet and like buttons I have provided on both individual posts as well as for the blog as a whole both here on Geek Blog and on Compendium. Sorry to go all self-promotional on ya from time to time, but while I genuinely enjoy working on the blogs, it's all kind of pointless if no one's reading it. So please help spread the word.
Thanks in advance, and I promise there will be much more science, skepticism and more here in the very near future.
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Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas With The Devil

Turns out someone did, and by someone I mean singer songwriter Judith Owen and comedian, writer, musician, actor, voice actor and Spinal Tap bassist (amongst many other things) Harry Shearer.
I think I may actually like this version better than the original.
Very cool, enjoy!
Posted by Youtube user:MyDamnChannel
For the tragically uncultured amongst you, here's a link to the original: Spinal Tap:Christmas With the Devil, You're welcome.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Lunar Eclipse Time Lapse

Fortunately, that doesn't really matter much because a full lunar eclipse happens every year, they just don't happen on the winter solstice very often, which isn't really all that significant other than the fact that it makes for an extra long dark night. Even better, University of Florida professor and science photographer William Castleman managed to catch a time lapse of the event and posted it on his Vimeo account and now, I'm posting it here. Very cool.
The music is really nice as well,Claude Debussy Nocturnes: Sirènes. enjoy.
Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse from William Castleman on Vimeo.
Source: I09Image credit: Thomas loupe
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Matt Ridley and Richard Dawkins on DNA, Extraterrestrial Life and More...
Posted by YouTube user:AtheistMediaBlog
Since we've been discussing astrobiology and genetics over the past few days, now seemed like a good time to share this video of evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins ( that's right kids, he's more than JUST an atheist) and journalist Matt Ridley discussing Alternative biochemistry, extraterrestrials, DNA, synthetic life, artificial life, and all sorts of other interesting things relating to biology, evolution, and life in general. It's very, very, cool and I think you will enjoy it, so check it out!
Friday, December 3, 2010
NASA Press Conference Disappoints Many, But it Really Shouldn't Have

In case you missed it, yesterday NASA held a press conference to announce the discovery of a bacteria (GFAJ-1 of Halomonadaceae) living in the highly alkaline waters as well as in the mud surrounding Mono Lake in California. Lab tests showed that this bacteria is capable of not only surviving in an environment saturated with arsenic, but that it can actually incorporate the normally highly toxic chemical into it's DNA and use it in place of phosphorous.
One would be hard pressed to exaggerate the "wow-factor" of this discovery from a biological stand point as it is a real life living breathing example of an organism capable of sustaining it's existence by utilizing a biochemistry unlike any other organism on the planet. As far as the impact this finding will have on astrobiology- The search for life on other worlds has to begin by looking for the conditions necessary to sustain life as we know it and this discovery helps to expand our understanding of the conditions under which life can exist. In short, the space agency made good on it's promise to deliver something which would impact the field of astrobiology and this organism itself is an astonishing discovery well worth the attention it received.
To the average person, this discovery probably doesn't mean much, and it certainly isn't as cool as it would have been if this same discovery had been made on another planet; which is obviously what the majority of people thought was going to be the case. I myself was aware of the existence of organisms capable of surviving on arsenic ( the part about the DNA is new microbes living on arsenic is not) and that the subject of the press conference would most likely focus primarily on some terrestrial finding. But even I assumed that the topic would be somehow tied to a specific discovery on another world and it is, in a fundamental non-specific sort of way. But still, a lot of people were both disappointed and even irritated by the subject of the conference and quite frankly, I don't blame them.
To be fair, 99% of the hype about alien life came from outside NASA. But when the general public(right or wrong) sees your organization's primary mission as the search for extraterrestrials, you have to know that holding a special event to share an announcement relating to astrobiology is GOING to generate hype, speculation, and ultimately resentment when reality doesn't live up to their expectations.
Source: Bad Astronomy
For more about the true significance of this find check out Nancy Atkinson's article on Universe Tody.
Among those deeply disappointed by the way NASA handled the release of this information, Justin from Weird Things TV:
Posted by YouTube user:weirdthingsTV
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Oxygen on Rhea and NASA's Big Astrobiological Revelation

Though Rhea's low surface temperature -ranging from -281 f to -364 f- the exceedingly thin nature of it's atmosphere, and the subsequent lack of liquid water, make it an unlikely home for any form of life as we know it. But Cassini's find does place the planet's name on an ever growing list of recent discoveries which show that elements essential for life as we understand it actually exist in often surprising quantities and concentrations on planets throughout our solar system.
In fact, the discovery of elements and conditions potentially conducive to life on our neighboring bodies has become so common place, that I have actually stopped writing about many of them. Not because they're not intriguing scientific discoveries, but because the story pretty much always goes the same: I tell you planet X displays a chemical or environmental anomaly which COULD -after years worth of additional analysis- prove to be signs of life on another world. But until that analysis is done, we'll all just have to go with the odds and assume that it isn't. I say, wouldn't it be cool if it was, make a logical argument for why it could be and we all move on to something else.
Well, according to NASA, by this time tomorrow there just might be something new to say about the potential for life on other worlds, as earlier this week the space agency announced it's plans to hold a conference tomorrow at 2:00PM ET, during which it promises to: "discuss an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life."
Pretty much since the moment the press conference was announced the speculations have been flying, the most popular and outrageous of which being that the agency plans to admit some previously withheld knowledge about contact with little gray men. But being the logical creature that I am, I'm going to follow Phil Plait's lead and side with in guessing that the people scheduled to be involved in tomorrows press conference make it likely it will have something to do with previous discoveries on Titan, at least in part anyway.
But who knows, maybe they have somehow confirmed the existence of some sort of extraterrestrial microbes thriving on arsenic on the surface of mars or some alien fungus living off acetylene in Titan's lakes of methane. But while Id be lying if I said I wasn't waiting eagerly to hear just what this new discovery is, if you're holding out for the big "We come in peace moment" in tomorrows press conference, I would say you should prepare yourself for disappointment.
Source: New Scientist, Bad Astronomy
Image credit: NASA, Voyager, Copyright Calvin J. Hamilton
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