Thursday, June 30, 2011
Adam Savage, a Steel Cage, The Theme From Doctor Who, and Two Tesla Coils
For now, under the heading of, things I should have posted here sooner but didn't for some stupid reason, I give you Mythbuster's Adam Savage dancing to the Doctor who theme, in a steel cage, between two Tesla coils. Watching this video actually caused the geek receptors in my brain to overload, and for several days I was only able to communicate in sci-fi movie quotes and made up alien languages. In short, this video can be summed up in a single word-
You can also view this post on the Tumblr Blog, and Compendium
Friday, June 24, 2011
Necropants, The Pants Made From Human Flesh
Looking for a quick, easy, path to financial prosperity? Of course you are! That’s why YOU, need NECROPANTS! What are Necropants you say, and where can I buy a pair of these miraculous garments?Necropants, or Nábrókarstafur, are pants made from the skin of a dead man’s lower torso; and you don’t buy them silly, you make them!
Here’s how it works:
First, you’ll need to dig up a body from a church yard, but not just any body. Remember, the lower potion of the torso must be FULLY intact in order for this to work, and those dangling man bits tend to deteriorate quickly after decay sets in, so don’t go waiting too long after the body’s been put in the ground before you go gettin’ yer “Gein” on. More importantly, always remember that you must first obtain permission to wear your new Necropants from their previous owner BEFORE he’s done with them in order for them to work their magic.
Once an agreeable doner has been found, and you’ve managed to successfully dig up the body, you’ll obviously need to remove your new pants from the previous wearer’s legs. While there are no special rites or rituals required for this step in the process, you’ll want to avoid damaging the pants during removal, which is why knowing how to properly skin and dress an animal carcass, is an advisable skill set to have. Once that job is done, your new pants will be nearly ready to wear!
All you need now, is a coin stolen from the man’s poor widow, which must be kept in the scrotum of your new Necropants, along with a piece of paper bearing the special symbol displayed to the right.
BUT REMEMBER KIDS:These items must remain in the scrotum of your Necropants at all times in order for the Magic to work. Forget this step, or use your new scrotum as place to carry your keys or cellphone, and you’ll just be wearing another man’s decaying junk over your own, and that’s a fashion no-no, not to mention a possible threat to your manhood- and no one wants that.
On a personal note, when shopping for Necropants, I recommend choosing a partner who’s reasonably close to your own size. Pick someone to small, and all your work could be for nothing when you discover that your new pants wont fit! Even worse, pick someone too big, and you could wind up looking fat! So always remember to shop around.
Source: The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery and Witchcraft VIA: Compendium Of Strange
Talking Funny with Ricky Gervais, Louis Ck, Chris Rock And Jerry Seinfeld

That may sound a little strange to you if you’re just a casual fan with a favorite comedian or two. But trust me when I tell you, that I am not the only one who sees comedy as more than mere performance art or mindless distraction, but as the most popular, accessible, and purest form of free thought, self expression, and critical thinking in the world today; one whose influence has had a large hand in shaping my own view of both myself, as well as the world around me over the years. But that doesn’t mean that good comedy has to be deeply philosophical, insightful, or even particularly meaningful to be good, it just has to be funny.
So what is it that makes something funny? How do you build a successful act? Is there anything you really cannot, or simply should not joke about stage? And what makes a “good bit”, a good bit?
In the HBO special, “Talking Funny”, Louis CK and Ricky Gervais, along with Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock, spend an hour together sharing their answers to those questions and various others, as well as discussing the world of comedy and performing in general. The end result, is as interesting and insightful, as it is entertaining. So Weather your a comedy geek like me, whose fascinated with the process and motivations behind making good comedy, or you just happen to be a fan of any of the above comedians looking for a good laugh. This show is both hilarious and fascinating, and you should really check out all four parts.
VIA: GGB on tublr
Posted by Youtube user: JohnOath
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Eye Candy: Cassini Images set to NIN
A collection of Saturn related images collected by the Cassini spacecraft and arranged into a mesmerizing little animated short set to Nine Inch Nails. Created by Chris Abbas on Vimeo.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Moore's Law, Quantum Computing, & Lockheed Martin
Unlike digital processors, which are limited to a two state, binary value system of ones and zeros, quantum processors perform their computations by measuring the position, or spin, of individual atoms and interpreting that position as a value or “qubit”. This means, that because atoms can exist in a state of superposition, multiple states simultaneously, a single quantum processor could potentially possess the ability to perform millions of tasks at a time, as oppose to the single task to which modern processors are limited. Which isn't to say that this type of system is not without it's own set of problems and limitations, such as the current need to hold the superconductors within these systems at a temperature near absolute zero, or the fact that the processors themselves are highly susceptibility to interference from everything from simple sound vibrations to cosmic waves.
Despite these limitations, just last week the age of quantum computing moved one step closer to becoming a practical reality when Lockheed Martin became the proud owner of the world’s first first commercially sold quantum computer. This system, known as D-Wave One, uses a superconducting 128-qubit chip called Rainier, has an approximate footprint of about 100 feet, a power requirement of 15 kilowatts and, along with maintenance and tech-support of course, cost the company a rumored 10-million dollars. While the cost, and other obvious impracticalities of Lockheed's new toy make it unlikely that any of us will be surfing the net on a D-Wave of our own anytime in the near future, the system's mere existence is still a potentially important step on the way to making quantum computing a part of everyday reality.
Source: VIA: Derren Brown's Blog
Posted by Youtube user: UNSW