Saturday, September 10, 2011

Great Minds as Band Logos

I can not accurately describe for you how badly I want the Darwin (Danzig) and Sagan (Slayer) shirt. Two of my favorite minds, masquerading as two of my favorite bands, MUST HAVE NOW.


These, and many more designs, available at:Monsters of Grok

VIA: GGB on Tumblr


  1. Hey dude.. This is chris. "the insert man"
    Sweet blog. Checked out etrelles. Seems legit.

    I'm currently up in kissimmyass at a place called "Eastlake fish camp" the g/f volunteered me to help at a swamp buggy and airboat show.
    ITS SO INCREDIBLY FUN, I can't begin to describe it.
    That is, if you enjoy trying to understand what exactly it is these people are saying when they're talking to you. Straight out of an episode of "swamp people".
    Can't wait to get back to work on Monday. At least I get paid there.
    Have a good weekend.

  2. Wow. Looking forward to work..that must be fun. My condolences.

    Glad you like the blog,I spend more time on it (& the others)than I care to admit. But it's starting to pay off, as far as traffic is concerned anyway, still working on making it pay.

    I'll talk to my friend tomorrow and find out if she can do anything with those hides, I'll let you know Thursday.
