“Need 2 or 3 women for Star Trek roleplaying. No nudity, no
Last time someone tried TOS and it was a disaster. There will be no
mixing of eras. I don’t want to hear how Captain Kirk is so great. Kirk
isn’t half the Captain that Picard is, OK? Kirk is a fat chauvinist
ladies man. Picard is an honorable intellectual and an excellent
diplomat. I built a bridge in my mom’s garage and a small shuttlecraft.
If this sounds like something you want to do let me know and I’ll send
you the script. I don’t mind if your costume isn’t terribly authentic,
just make sure it’s close to TNG era. Once you have your script you can
think about your character and let me know about any ideas you have. We
won’t be filming anything it, it’s just a fun way to spend an afternoon.
Maybe my mom will make lunch. It helps if you know a lot about the
show. This isn’t paid, but I have a doctor’s prescription pad ( a long
story) and I can write you a prescription for basically anything you
want. The reason I need women is that the story is about getting stuck
on a shuttlecraft. I can’t tell you more now. Most weeknights and
weekends are good times. Having your own props is an asset e.g. a phaser
or a VISOR if your character needs one. Please respond with pic and
short bio plus stats. Nothing weird is going to happen. “
Well then. Seems like it’s all on the up and up to me. I mean, his
mom’s gonna be there AND she might even make sandwiches- BONUS. plus, “a
prescription for basically ANYTHING you want.” AND “Nothing Weird is
gonna happen.” It says so right there in the ad…so… Nope, can’t see how
this could possibly go wrong.
Your move, ladies…
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